It can sometimes be tough to determine just how much you need, because you can be looking at the installation on a few different levels. Perhaps you are concerned about other things besides saving money and being environmental, such as state mandates on solar for new homes, as it is in CA, if that’s the case, then you just need enough to get some credits from solar back to the grid. However, you’ll still need a full home solar panel system legitimately equipped with everything you need for Net-Energy-Metering (NEM) standards. And, that’s because your electricity from solar is essentially going back to the grid and the utility provider to meet new sustainable standards.
Or perhaps, you really do want to match your exact electricity bill to the amount of solar panels you will need to cover the entire bill. Either way, whether its checking out a certain amount of panels, you can use the Design DIY tools here, or if you want to assess your full system size, based on your actual bills, then you can use the Price Checker. Both of the tools on the HahaSmart site are very practical, and when it comes to prices on the installation, you are matched with a nationwide plethora of installation companies that are certified and well priced. Plus, the system includes panels, accessories and BOS that are competitively priced. Ultimately with HahaSmart you are saving 25% below the average market value of home solar, which ultimately makes your ROI from the investment through the roof. Shopping is the tough part when it comes to solar, because your prices determine the amount you are saving from standard electric options without considering solar. So, you can see how if it is costs you are looking at saving from the old fashioned way, that if you are not shopping well or getting over priced, and under quoted on the size of your system, that it’s not helping the solar equation.
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