Here is an example System Size: 3.3 KW - DC, which at the end of the day is equal to $7,088 Net Cost.
Your project address: ####, Burbank, CA 91505, USA
Your average monthly electricity bill: $100
Solar Product Package includes:
Engineer / Permit: $798
Panel:12 pcs * $145/pcs = $1,742
Inverter & Accessory:$1,418
Racking: $529
BOS: $672
Other mis:$0.05/watt * 3,300 watt = $160
Sales Tax:$5,159 * 8.75% = $451
*Solar product package does not include electrical main service panel upgrade, and finance expenses.
*Sales Tax Rate: 8.75%. Please consult with your CPA for more information of sales tax.
Your Project Analysis
Permit & Product + Installation Cost
$5,770 + $4,356 = Total Cost $10,126
System Size: 3.3 KW - DC
$30,699 20 Year Net Savings
In 2009 after your solar tax rebates you will be at $7,088 Net Cost
5.4 Years Payback
IRR: 17.9% Internal Rate of Return
INSTALLATION COST Installation Cost $4,356

Solar Installation Package includes:
Application for solar installation permit from local building safety department.
Scheduling the Installation of the System at a mutually convenient date and time, make sure solar system will be installed based on pre-approved engineer layout.
Removal of all Installation tools, construction/installation equipment, machinery, waste materials and rubbish from and around your Property prior to utility approval of the System.
Guarantee that any roof penetrations made for the System shall be completely weather-tight.
Making sure your system will receive Permit to Operation (PTO).
*Solar product installation cost does not include any construction of roof improvement to support solar system and any upgrade of your existing electrical service.
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